We can find our way forward together.
The Cohort
A 24-Week Cohort for Weary & Wounded Leaders. Built for leaders currently still serving their local Church. Join a group of 6 other leaders for a guided, peer-to-peer, development journey through 3 stages of renewal. This is a thorough and thoughtfully crafted path to walk. Created by our team of therapists, shepherds, and seasoned coaches.
The Communing
A 5-Day rest and reboot between the mountains and sandy beaches of Puerto Rico at The KINEO Center. Encounter God’s spirit, your soul, and solidarity. You will be guided through 4 sessions of Disruption, Descent, Awakening, and Renewal. These 4 Sessions will help you excavate your woundedness and weariness and then chart a course for your own healing. With a tasty breakfast, compassionate sessions, and then an afternoon of quiet in the rainforest - you’ll find clarity you’ve never experienced before.
The Content
An Online KINEO-test© (coming soon) for gaining an initial dose of self-awareness. This test measures 5 levels of internal pain: 1. Compassion Fatigue 2. Stress 3. Anger Issues 4. Burnout 5. Loneliness

“The soul exhaustion that Pastors experience cannot be fixed with a nap and vacation. We need a full-on recovery. We need guides that will help us get there.”
~ Rev. Howard-John Wesley ~